Organizing my desk today and visiting my fountain pen collection has made me reflect on the allure of old fashioned letter writing. There is nothing like the unhurried act of putting pen to paper. It slows down your thoughts and allows your words to wander in and out. I've pictured here some of my favorites including an italian glass pen, a petite Visconti I treated myself to in Florence, a vintage dip pen that I believe belonged to my Grandfather which still has the dipping base, a simple, elegant, black Omas with a greek key design on the band that I adore, and a tortoise pendant pen. My favorite to write with though is still my Pelikan M300 with the green and black striped body. It is classic, vintage and smooth; what more could you want in a pen? I use it every day to write in my journal. My dog Bingo helped me with this layout, hence the Airdale figurine in the corner.