Belated Halloween Greetings

I am sorry to be so tardy in putting up my Halloween post but thanks to Hurricane Sandy I was among the powerless here in lower Manhattan and we just got the electricity and internet back today! I think it is safe to post Bingo's annual Halloween portrait without spoiling the surprise now that you all have gotten your cards in the mail! This year poor Bingo is yet again in traveling peril. He is in Edinburgh, one of my favorite cities which happens to have the most remarkably creepy and beautiful victorian graveyard called Greyfriars. Bingo is just beyond the gates consulting his map in search of the statue of the famous dog Greyfriars Bobby which can be seen behind him. I am happy to report that he survived this adventure and is safe and sound here at home!

Every year I also do a post of some of my favorite Halloween decorations around the neighborhood so here are a few:

I love this little skeleton in a window on Grove St. So simple yet so menacing.

I also thought this sweet little pumpkin on Grove St. made the perfect Halloween statement.

This tasteful pumpkin grouping in the window of the Goodwin Restaurant on Hudson St is just beautiful.

This display in Garber's Hardware is hilarious. They thankfully had a few fireplace logs left that helped keep me warm-ish during the blackout when we had no heat!

I just love this courtyard also on Grove St. They always do something special for the holidays and this year it was just fantastic!